problems downloading blackberry app world 8520

Blackberry app world keeps saying 'AN ERROR HAS OC. - BlackBerry.
I have tried everything to get Blackberry App World on my 8520 Curve. I tried downloading it from the website with my mobile attached to my phone, I've tried.
yesterday 20-01-2012 i have download your 8520_5.0.0.1036 (125.63 MB) version software. i installed it on my blackberry curve 8520. I can do.
problems downloading blackberry app world 8520
BlackBerry Curve 8500/8520, Appworld trouble, plea. - BlackBerry.Cannot install blackberry app world on black berry. - BlackBerry.
RE: Blackberry Curve 8520 - Issues with ID update. - BlackBerry.
Appworld web plugin error, BB curve 8520, provider. - BlackBerry.
Blackberry 8520 problem dl app world - BlackBerry Support.
Read the requirements here:… Availability:… If you meet all the.
Right so I downloaded Appworld and I just got my Blackberry on Sunday last (the 11th of September) and I am having some trouble logging into Appworld.
Having troubling installing BlackBerry App World 3.1? You might.
App World 8520 version issue - BlackBerry Support Community Forums.